For the beginner
This workshop is for beginners who want to learn meditation basics. All adults, and children can benefit from learning how to meditate properly. It will improve all aspects of your life in body, mind and spirit.
Reduce your stress level, improve the quality of your sleep, achieve inner peace, improve your physical health, and most of all,
…. Be happy, healthy and in balance!
Let this become your new way of life and much appreciated tool!
Workshop Details
DATE / TIME / LOCATION – all to be determined soon
COST – $25.00 per person per evening
An evening filled with benefits and relaxation awaits your presence.
Stay tuned for updates coming soon or contact Michèle for more information at 514-512-8779
What you will learn to achieve the best meditation experience on your own.
- Deep Breathing
- Concentration and Focus
- Visualization
- Guided Meditation
- Positive Affirmations
- Balancing and Cleansing
- Filling Your Being with Healing Energy ... and much more.